Did you know anxiety is the most common emotional problem in kids? They can develop disabling worries about numerous topics that range from germs they can pick up to pressures in school. Every child displays anxiety in his or her own way and sometimes it is hard to see. Some kids mask their anxiety at school and then meltdown when they get home because they exhausted their energy “keeping it together” all day.
As parents, it is sometimes frustrating to understand why a child is anxious, especially if we feel it isn’t really a big deal. However, in the child’s mind, whatever is creating the anxiety is a big deal to them and it is our responsibility to help guide them through it as best we can. Depending on the child, this guidance can take many forms, for instance letting the child work through it on their own is an option or letting them write down or color their feelings is another. However, if it is causing great distress, trying to understand things from their perspective is helpful. You may not always agree with their rationale, but helping to understand their perspective may give you ideas on ways to help them work through their feelings.
If you are looking for a good resource to help manage your child’s anxiety, please visit the Child Mind Institute for more information. An interview with Renee Jain, a life coach and someone who struggled with anxiety as a child may provide you with valuable insight. In it, Renee discusses the benefits of teaching children how to live in the present and be mindful, helping to reduce their anxiety.